Revision 7 (2020-10-29):
- new file system implemented (look at the "FAQ - Loading times" for more details)
- removed ILSDMEs from the navaid-tables
- waypoint types improved the symbols in the worldmap
- AWOS/ATIS frequencies on one airport corrected
- correct surfaces for added airports fixed
- some minor fixes in the terminal procedures
Revision 6 (2020-10-10):
- new file upload to avoid corrupt files
Revision 5 (2020-10-10):
- new file upload to avoid corrupt files
Revision 3+4 (2020-10-09):
- test revision for hanging screens during the startup (sim crash)
Revision 2 (2020-10-09):
- folder & file structure adapted according the MSFS requirements to improve loading-performance
- cycle_info.txt file added into "navigraph-navdata/scenery/fs-base-nav-ng" folder, for manual verification, which AIRAC cycle/revision is installed
AIRAC 2011 - Revision 1 (2020-10-08):
- new AIRAC cycle 2011 released
- accurate runway-surfaces and runway-lights for all none default airports
- revised airport communication frequencies and correct mappings to the MSFS ATC
- some minor bug fixes in terminal-procedures and airways