[MSFS] - Scenic Routes – LJLJ Ljubljana Joze Pucnik Airport v1.1.0

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– The ability to remove static apron traffic & the “not yet there in real life” Gate 7 Jetway. This optional feature is available in your SimMarket account.
– 2GB’s+ worth of optimization
– New taxiway and real-world COMM data + IDENTS
– Now AI friendly!
– Enhanced and fixed winter ground issues
– Enhanced grass edging and added some water puddles
– Fixed default MSFS grounds crew car “hitting” models
– Fixed RWY30 Taxi Light at middle of the RWY
– Fixed Police Helicopter’s pink texture and LOD Issues
– Fixed some emissive issues introduced with SU6
– Enhanced some flickering. Will fix more with next SU & DX12
– Bonus Aerosoft CRJ-700 8k Adria repaint (S5-AAZ)
– Documentation

Ljubljana. The vibrant capital of Slovenia, where the warm breezes of the Mediterranean sea meet the cool foothills of the Alps, this charming green city’s airport now comes to life in MSFS in fine detail and stunning precision never seen before. Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport is located on the outskirts of this young country’s capital and is known as the hub and headquarters of the former Adria Airways and has a 3300m runway with passenger, cargo, maintenance and training facilities.

A brand new, state of the art terminal has just opened as of July 2021. This state of the art terminal, as well as the entire airport contains over 150 handcrafted 3D models with advanced, industry leading PBR texturing. This scenery package brings one of Europe’s upcoming hubs to the comfort of your own computer at levels of staggering reality unseen before. Scenic Routes have always aimed to depict reality several classes higher. Exceptional scenery design and make this a must-have addon for your home sim.


• Over 150 3D models with advanced breathtaking PBR texturing.
• Hyper realistic ground imagery from our own 3cm Drone Surveying Data/Imagery.
• Updated airport data for stands and taxiways.
• Animated flags based on wind speed and direction.
• 10+ real-world cars and predominant static aircraft.
• Interior modeling and texturing of all “visible” areas of both terminals.
• Animated busses and Go Karts.
• Precision placement of edge and taxiway lights based on real-world placement.
• Re-done Navaids based on 2021 AIP lat/long data.
• Animated Jetways.
• Realistic tracks & oil stains.
• Fully matched realistic dynamic lighting and window emissives.
• Fall/winter seasons friendly.
• Airport security and grounds crew equipment.

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