KalΓ mΓ©ra! Enjoy a P3D v4 and v5 compatible PBR revision of LGIR Heraklion airport and city scenery!
This is basically but not only a merger of the Heraklion sceneries from JustSim and FSDG. Both products have their pros and cons so I decided to take the best outta these two.
The scenery from FSDG is much more beautiful, has a much better city modeled and is much more vital in general. Nevertheless it is outdated, especially the terminal. The JustSim product is more current but really heartless and sterile and misses a lot objects and detail. Eastern lamp posts were missing, blastfences positioned in a wrong angle and so on.
In a pretty time consuming project I tried to get the best out of these two products and of course added more detail to it and made several adaptions and fixes. Not only to the ground material, I also added lot of stuff, did lots of object placements, overworked dynamic lights, made a new 3D grass implementation and much, much more...!
Changelog v1.00:
- Not going to present a detailed list at this time. Would be way too much and anyway incomplete.
Changelog v1.01:
- Better merge of FSDG and JustSim landclass and vector data
- Fixed floating buildings south of the radar hill
- Added more details to the city and harbor
- Fixed redundant objects at the harbor area
- Fixed wrong transparency of vegetation at night
Have a look at the readme for installation!
Pass: happylandings