[MSFS] - BlueMesh – Caudron Rafale 430 v1.5.1

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The Caudron C.430 “Rafale” is a two-seater monoplane (or single-seater by closing the front seat), built by the company Caudron-Renault. It was designed by Marcel Riffard for the training of pilots who had to use racing machines like the Caudron C.362 or C450/460

The history of the F-AMVB is less known, until November 30, 1934, when Hélène Boucher died at Guyancourt during a training flight at its controls. This Addon is dedicated in memory of her.

Angers Museum:

Thanks to Angers Museum ” Espace Air Passion” we had the right informations to do this wonderfull aircraft, so thank you to all the team of this museum.


• Textures: Great PBR materials : Albedo + Roughness+ Metallic + Normal + AO + AO_multiple_Albd
• 3D model: Fps friendly, Cockpit : 6 LODS / Exterior : 3 LODS

Flight Model:

• The flight model has been goodly made and respect the physics of this aircraft.
• Stall : 45 knts Take off speed : 64knts Landing speed : 64knts


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