[P3Dv4/P3Dv5] - iFly Jets - The 737 MAX8


iFly Jets Advanced Series - The 737 MAX8 for Prepar3D  iFly Jets Advanced Series - The 737-MAX8 & 8-200 is iFly Development Team's most advanced aircraft to date. This product is exclusively for Lockheed Martin's Prepar3D v5.3+, and brings "study level" to a whole new level.  The iFly Developer team started with a clean slate for the 737-MAX8... it has been completely built from the ground up. Aircraft systems, Virtual Cockpit, Exterior model, Texturing, Sounds, all have been meticulously modelled. A team of over 15 developers, MAX pilots, and technical advisors participated to make this one of the most advanced simulations ever released for the PC. Sounds were recorded from a MAX, along with extensive use of videos and photos from the programmers, pilots, and advisory staff.  Prepar3D v5 by Lockheed Martin is an amazing simulation platform that allows for some of the most advanced flight modelling and systems simulation possible on any platform. iFly Development Team has taken the maximum advantage of features within the Prepar3D v5 platform to maximize both the appearance and performance of this aircraft.  With a highly accurate simulation of the cockpit and systems, modelling, and texturing, along with extensive ground support features with push back, we believe this will provide you the max MAX experience. The product has been flight tested for hundreds of hours by real MAX8 pilots to bring the accuracy required for this simulation.