[P3Dv5] - Aerosoft - Mega Airport London Heathrow professional

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The award-winning Sim-wings Team has once again pushed the boundaries of modeling a perfect mega hub with Mega Airport London Heathrow Professional representing the actual, up-to-date stage of its real-world equivalent. Discover what commercial aviation is all about by joining the traffic at the world's third busiest airport.  The scenery covers around 42 square kilometers in total, with fully detailed airport buildings, including the new T2 and T2B terminals. Fully customized high-resolution aerial ground textures, detailed ground markings and the actual taxiway layout with new fast runway exits and taxiway links make it a perfect representation, while the use of the LOD technique will provide the best possible performance. There is also the option of using the old Europier that still exists and will soon be demolished.

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