F–22A Raptor (Premium) v1.2.8


– Added emissive lighting effect to landing and taxi lights
– Fixed right nozzle aperture deflection angle and improved nozzle aperture animation
– Added APU driven electrical hydraulic pumps for flight control and landing gear extension due to dual engine loss (non-fuel starvation emergency).
– Revised emergency gear extension type to pump (back-up to the electrical hydraulic system).
– Aircraft.cfg changes – ATC type codes and other aircraft designation data
– Changed RAMP atc_parking_code to Mil_Combat Mil_Cargo and Cargo only to avoid Raptors spawning at all airports in large numbers
– Nose wheel landing lights move with steering animation
– Resolved incompatibility between B-2 and F-22 visual effects
– FBW takes over when autopilot disengages
– FBW GRate re-tuning / fine tuning
– Adjusted pitch trim control with AP
– Added custom heat plume/heat blur VFX and removed Asobo default engine heat
– Retuned Autopilot Pitch
– Retuned Autopilot Roll
– Revised flight model for roll
– Revised fbw tuning for roll
– WASM Fix: Moved event handler out of Systems class to F22.cpp
– Adjust contrail positions: Lateral and horizontal position adjustments.
– Revised contrail effect display: Stop contrail display when N2 smaller than 10%, unlimited angle of attack for display
– Update roll moi: Softened up roll response / momentum at lower speeds
– Corrected gear smoke, dust, etc¦ vfx display: Added fx nodes to wheels and adjusted xml to display effects correctly
– WASM bug fixes
– Minor flight model revisions: Small Improvement to lateral stability at high alpha above 60 degrees