T6A ADV v1.5.0

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 When we decide to embark on a new virtual aircraft venture, you can bet the final result will ooze passion & exceed the standards previously set for ourselves. The T-6A ADV’s development has been no different. Countless hours have been poured into making sure our aircraft delivers on all fronts. When you strap into the T6A ADV, you can expect gorgeous textures & details in every area of the model. In fact, this aircraft will be our HIGHEST fidelity simulation TO DATE, ensuring the T6A ADV will match up to any scenic view you throw at it. The exterior model isn’t the only standout though, our interior cockpits have been given the same love, promising you gorgeous textures as you fly from the front (or BACK) cockpit! With the addition of adjustable in-sim flight settings, you can channel the true spirit of the Texan. Choose between a whole spectrum of virtual flight complexity! Do you want a realistic study level flight equipped with all the failures you can shake a turboprop at? Or would you rather an easy breezy experience, free of in-flight complications? Whatever the case, in our T6A ADV, you fly how YOU want to fly.

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